Thursday, March 22, 2007

Growing Old...

Remember when times were more simple and all you wanted to do was rush through the day just to get home from school so you could play with your friends?? Remember when you looked back on those times and thought "Crap, I am old!" Well that time is at hand folks...

Yes, I am approaching my 29th Birthday, and let me tell you the list is getting longer in the "You know you're old if..." catagory. It all started with a simple email from a friend of mine. It was one of those "Top 20 signs that tell you you're getting old" lists, and I'll be dammed if that thing has not come true.

I found that once you hit around 27-28 it becomes some odd fascination to watch the weather channel. "Hey you want to go golf this weekend?" .."SURE, Let me check the weather channel." Yes folks, that has slipped into my life.. Planning my outings based on the weather channel!

Then to top it all off, I actually called the police on some idiot with too loud of bass. I am going to quote George Carlin on this one... "If I wanted to listen to your music, I'd be sitting in your car!" Here is the run down, I got home early from work...I was doing a little work on the old PC here, and I hear it...BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM CHICKA BOOM BOOM BOOM CHICKA BOOM....Tejano music, full volume, 2 miles away. YES! So loud that I can hear it over my surround sound system playing VH1(See I AM old)! So I think "What an idiot!" and go about my business....

Well later on I am at SONIC getting some food and talking to Collyn on my cell, and my windows are rolled up and what pulls up behind me?? BOOM BOOM BOOOM CHICKA BOOM BOOM BOOM CHICKA BOOM! It was him! My tormentor, Mr.Loudstereo! I am on the phone with my windows rolled up and I can't hear Collyn on my phone. So what do I do? Hang up and call the police...Yes folks, I called the police. See I am old.

The guy had it coming...He drives around in this green chevy (Pronounced Chevy like Chevy Chase for him) and it has just about every piece of aftermarket crap on it you can get...Windshield Visor, CHECK, Spinner Rims, CHECK, Side Window Covers, CHECK, powered by Mexican sticker in back window, CHECK, Airbrush Mural of the Virgin Mary hovering over the truck infront of a waterfall, CHECK! Thats correct, he has a airbrush mural of HIS OWN truck on the tailgate, in front of a waterfall, with the Virgin Mary and Jesus floating in the air over it...The owner needs the cops called on him just for that!

So yes, I have become old....and perhaps a little jaded? ? I don't know, but...

GET THE HELL OUT OF MY YARD! sorry there were kids playing in my

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WOW- I think someone needs a weekend in Austin!! Oh, wait, I am already taking them!!!!!!!! Rage, cursing...You better get that out of your system Mr.!!! I love you!!!