Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Yes, I am excited about this....

I am totally excited about the proposed merger between XM and Sirius Satellite radio! I think it will be awesome to receive more choices for less money as they are claiming. I actually listened to their opening arguments on CSPAN today while on the road back from Mason Tx. I can understand why some people are worried about a monopoly, but come on, a lot has changed since 10 years ago when they both acheived their licenses.
Ten years ago the only people Xm and Sirius had to compete with were each other, and public radio if you choose to include them. Now XM and Sirius have to contend with Web radio, HD-Radio, and enhanced public radio. So I see no problem with a merger, but than again I am not the FCC or the Anti-Trust Commitee.

I come across some weird animals in my travels...

Just look at this and try to guess what it is......

That my friends is a Kangaroo that has yet to learn that Cactus is not a snack food. I felt so bad for this kangaroo with all these cactus needles in his nose, so what did I do?? Thats right, I plucked a nice piece of Cactus with needles on it and fed it to him...And he ate it again!! Chalk one up to kangaroos not having any memory apparently....He got even more in his face!!! Thank goodness we didnt evolve from Kangaroos in the darwin theory....wait is that a cactus quill in my face?

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

My wierd ass dreams!

Ok this is what went down....Last night Collyn and I were just simply laying on the couch watching "Law and Order" when she fell asleep causing me to fall asleep soon after. Well I had only been asleep for I'd say ten minutes, but in this short time span I had one of the weirdest dreams I've ever had...Follow me on this...

Dream Intro:

I walk into the room, there is some kind of persian rug on the floor and I notice that I can't walk for shit! I am swaying all over the place, taking two steps forward and swaying three steps back...My god I am either really drunk or something is terribly wrong! Whats that? That sound thats booming? Oh good, its loud music and there are people talking and dancing all around...Good! That means I am simply drunk. I sway off to the side and thats when I notice them.

There they are....sitting on the carpet, shiney and all strung up. I can see the reels and everything. There are a lot of hooks on the lines...Much like a croppy jig full of treble hooks (the 3 prong kind). I sway around badly, thinking to myself "Damn don't fall on those bad boys!" Whilst thinking this I do a very WC Fields move and sway over them about to fall and then sway back, safe again! "Why are there fishing rods on the floor of a party? And why does no one notice them or me swaying all over?"

There must have been around ten rods and reels sitting there, hungrily waiting for some poor soul to fall on them...and that poor soul was me!!! So I sway once again over the rods and this time I fall face first on to them, and what do I do? I stick out my hands to break my fall only to have about seven hooks go into various parts of my hands. As I stand up I think to myself, "I gotta survey the damage...let me see." So as I raise up from this fallen state a bunch of the rods and reels follow in tow. I raise my hands up towards my face to see hooks in my fingertips, my palms, my knuckles, just in every sensitive spot on your hands.

"Someone help me!" I yell as still everyone is oblivious to my unfolding saga....."Quick think lik McGuyver and use your keys as pliers and remove these foul beasts!" is what ran through my head. So using my keys I pull barb after bard out of my flesh, screaming in agony, and still no one notices. What the hell is going on??

After removing all the hooks from my hands I drunkenly scream out "Who the hell brings fishing rods to a party?" to which no one replys...So I grab these rods and reels and fire them over a random fence that was inside this house...yeah I know what the hell is a fence doing inside a house, but hey, what the hell were hooks doing in my fingers right?

No sooner than I throw the rods over this fence I am awoken by the ending credits music for Law and Order. Thats right folks...This crazy ass dream took place in the time it took for me to watch 80% of Law and Order and then fall asleep just long enough to miss the final verdict and then be awoken by the credit music.....

What the heck does this dream mean? I welcome any and all "Dream Conclusion" comments and also storys of your own crazy ass dreams.

Monday, February 26, 2007

Here is another random picture I have...

My girlfriend found this one at a hospital in the vending machine....Look closely and you will see a packet of tylenol caplets in the candy vending machine!! What the hell? This totally does away with the whole "Child Proof Cap" positive note on this least the kids are in a hospital if they OD on Tylenol Caplets.
Ok I uploaded my pics and here they are in order...

All American Baseball: Kind of makes you think it was made in america right?? Guess again...Look at the label.

Now look at the back of the tag....look right above the bar code...WHAT THE HELL?

New to this...Hope you enjoy!

Ok folks...I am new to Blogger, but have blogged in the past, and never in my pants. Ok first off I have some pics that I am going to upload once I get off my lazy ass and upload them from my Palm Pilot. I have gotten into taking pictures with the cheap little built in camera on my Palm Pilot and its fun and I have some nice results that I think you all would like....Soon to come!