Monday, August 6, 2007

Remeber Skate or Die on the NES??

Remember the old game Skate or Die on the Nintendo Entertainment System? When your guy would fall on the half pipe he would hit the ground and all his pads and shoes would fly off, and we always thought "OH how fake!" Well guess again!!!

Here is video proof that this does closely around the end of the clip...They show an overhead close up and sure enough his shoes pop off!!!
***NEW VIDEO*** (they killed the other one)


Jeff said...

That was sick. I feel like less of a man now. I was complaining last week about a sunburn.

Next thing you know we'll see a paperboy get chased down by a mad dog or a mini tornado after stopping a lawnmower by throwing a newspaper at it.

Jeff said...

So does your new wife not let you blog anymore? Just sayin'.